söndag 9 september 2007


Saxat från siten Stererogum. Dom gillar Jens Lekman, men undrar varför gubbarna har så tråkigt.

"We've been upfront about our love for Jens Lekman's Night Falls Over Kortedala, so we were more than happy to stumble upon a video of the silent one performing "The Opposite Of Hallelujah" on Swedish television. Looks like it was recorded just two days ago for Studio Virtanen. No idea what the text at the bottom says or why the other guest is sitting so stiffly/the host so bored as they listen, but Lekman's alternately smiley 'n' serious take on the album standout is all we need to comprehend. Note how they roll the credits before he's done-- somehow pretty, somehow sad."


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